Thank you for your interest in our Google Ads service. We’ve paused submissions temporarily while we work with our current slate of orders, but we look forward to hearing from you once we’ve opened up again. Thanks!


Where do these ads appears?

These ads appear on Google search ads network for keywords related to your book. They are text ads. It’s like having your book be the top search result when people are searching for books in your genre.

What happens after I submit through the form and place an order?

Your ad campaign will begin running within 24-48 hours after you place an order. For new campaigns, there’s then a 7-10 day optimization period to see what kind of cost per click performance your campaign settles out at.

What kind of reporting is there?

We’ll be working on ways to provide more automatic reporting, but for now we’re able to provide authors with data from their campaigns by request over email. We’ll also reach out with campaign data after the initial period, within 2 weeks of placing the order. You are welcome to get in touch at any time with information about your campaign.

Tell me about the billing.

The subscription options include both the service fee and the ad spend. There is no additional billing either from us or from Google for the ads. That’s it.

What can I change once campaigns have started?

We strongly recommend allowing ads to run as you’ve submitted them for the first month to allow time to try a few different things if the campaign doesn’t start working immediately, but if you’d like to change your landing page, from say the retailer product page to your website for the same book, we can do that. If you’d like to run ads for an entirely different product or with a different focus, it would be best to make a new submission via the form.